
Degender RegEx


The WR version contains different patterns for plural and singular forms, for replacing gendered language with neutral alternatives.
The WC version is indiscriminate and catches as many words in one pattern possible, for censoring all instances of gendered language.

You can find the Word Replacer browser extension here. When updating words you need you need to have them selected and then hit "Apply to selected". It also struggles to work if you have too many tabs open.

Other word replacing extensions: FoxReplace.

If you see gendered language or errors while using it, please send me a screenshot of the text (contact links)! I'm not as online anymore, so I don't have much opportunity to test it and find what's broken or missing myself.

Degender Browser Extension

A dedicated browser extension for degendering the net more coherently. WIP & N/A.


A pessimist zine about being gynandrous.


A zine exploring the connection between transmasculinity and cubhood, "animal" as gender, furry fandom, therianthropy and alterhumanity.